A place where all women belong.
We welcome all women to join us, whether you’re working or retired, a student or a teacher, a mother or a daughter, a newcomer or a life-long member.
We gather once or twice/month for a time of fellowship, encouragement and devotions. Please contact one of our ministry leaders (listed below) about joining our private Facebook group to stay updated on the latest.
We love to show our support for each other in really tangible ways.
- organizing meal trains.
- gathering and sharing welcome baskets for newcomers.
- sharing specific prayer requests via our private Facebook group.
- and more! We’re always surprised by the beautiful ways in which the Spirit leads us to care for one another.

Want to know more about Care and Connect? We'd love to hear from you!
We also have a Facebook group where we share prayer requests and plan events. So let us know if you’d like to be invited to that group.
Women’s Care and Connect ministry is anchored in the desire for all women to come together in a safe space to explore what it means to have meaningful connection and intentionally care for one another. Through prayer, scripture and purposeful conversation we aim to grow together in life, in faith and in acts of service.