Putting our faith into action!
The Garage

The Food Bank has served Terrace for more than 30 years. It was started by several local churches who provided the funding and the volunteers. In 2022, the Food Bank moved from the Dairy Queen building (where it had operated for 14 years) to the Garage Community Space at 3504 Kalum St.
The Foodbank provides groceries to a few schools for their lunch programs as well as groceries for Ksan Society and the Soup Kitchen. In 2019, approximately 8,000 lbs of food went to these organizations.
Although the food bank was founded by local churches, today more than 60% of the volunteers have
no church affiliation and more than 80% of
the donations of food and funding is provided
by the Terrace community. Everyone is welcome to volunteer and contribute!
How to get involved:
- Like and Follow @terracechurchesfoodbank on Facebook
- Contact one of our church reps:
- Paul Moravec
- John VandeVelde
Food bank stats for 2023
Households fed/week
Of clients are new immigrants
Of food is donated
Of food were distributed.
Retail value of food distributed.